5* Rating on Google

Open: Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 4:00pm

5* Rating on Google

Open: Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 4:00pm

BMW Valet Shop LED Upgrade

INUI are delighted with their recent LED lighting refurbishment at the BMW Valet Shop LED Upgrade – Lenton Lane Nottingham. The Valet Shop was experiencing more and more Metal Halide lamp failures and coupled with the maintenance factor to keep the Valet Shop fully lit this was proving more and more expensive.

BMW Nottingham

An initial site survey noted that the existing lighting was 250-watt Metal Halide lights. This was proving to be inadequate for the Valet Shop workers needs and left parts of the workshop poorly lit. Furthermore, the lights were frequently failing resulting in higher than necessary maintenance costs.

A particular requirement was to reduce energy consumption but also improve the LUX levels throughout the Valet Shop. Most importantly for Sytner was to improve their Carbon Foot Print by the reduction of energy usage.

BMW Nottingham Valet Shop

The client's concern was the continued smooth running of a busy Workshop. With its full schedule of services, as well as the launching of the new registration of vehicles in March that could simply not be interrupted for an LED installation!

Working closely with our client and listening carefully to their needs, a lighting design was created. A timetable was drawn up for the actual installation to ensure the BMW Valet Shops daily activities could continue as normal without interruption from our installation staff.



The scheme involves the use of our LED Modular 150 range in 5000k Natural Daylight White colour.  This was installed on a like for like basis.

The original LUX levels within the Valet Shop was between 420 and 445 depending on where this reading was taken from. Once the installation was complete the average readings throughout the building were 890 LUX. The original running costs for this area based on the electricity costs was just over £8,000.00 pa. with a maintenance cost of around £1000.00 pa.

The LED installation reduced these running cost to around £2600.00 pa. giving a saving of around £6,400.00 pa. and a ROI of just over 2.2 years when installations costs were included.

David Barksby, Financial Controller at Sytner BMW Nottingham comments “The installation was efficiently controlled to ensure we could continue with minimal disruption.  Martin and his team were on hand throughout to address any concerns we had, and was in contact though-out the design, ordering and installation process.  We are immensely pleased with the result”

Interested in doing the same for your business? Then give us a call today or email us.

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